Plant Library

Fern - Crested Linear Male Fern - Plant Library - Port Kells Nurseries Port Kells Nurseries

Dryopteris filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactyla'

Common Name: Fern - Crested Linear Male Fern
Dryopteris filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactyla'

Deciduous. Forms tall thin and upright dark green fronds with alternating, very narrow, leathery leaflets that branch out to crested and multi forked tips. From a distance it has an airy delicate feathery appearance, but it is actually a very adaptable and tough fern.

Plant Care: Old fronds may be trimmed in spring, if they look untidy. Mulch around the plants with dead leaves in the fall, to help conserve moisture in summer. Clumps may be divided every 3 to 4 years, in early spring.

Characteristics & Attributes

Plant TypeBloom ColorBloom Time



76-90cm (2.5-3ft)76-90cm (2.5-3ft)


Soil Moisture

Foilage Color
Shade to Partial ShadeRegularGreen

Soil Type

Loamy, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil.Accent: Good Texture/Form Alpine & Rock Border Containers Edging Ground Cover Massed Woodland
*Deer Resistant
*Rabbit Resistant
*Slug Resistant
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