When to Plant.
Spring… If you are prepared to nurture your new shrubs through the summer you can successfully transplant in early spring.
Summer… Not good for transplanting established trees, but planting trees purchased from Nurseries is fine, providing enough watering is available throughout the summer months.
Fall… Transplanted cedars will have the winter months to establish new roots, so the plant can take off in the spring.
Another benefit is that nature takes over the watering chore soon after planting.
Distance between.
For a good hedge, plant 60 centimeters (2 feet) to a maximum of 91 centimeters (3 feet) apart from main stem to main stem.
Pyramidal plants grow more uniformly in width from top to bottom whereas the Emeralds grow to a point.
For a privacy hedge place the Emeralds closer together than the Pyramidal variety.
Keep in mind that for either variety if they are too crowded and don’t get enough light it could result in defoliation.
Prepare the hole.
Prepare the planting hole by digging a width about twice as wide as the root ball.
The depth of the hole is more important than the proper width. Most plants have a preference when it comes to how deep to plant them.
Always add bone meal to the roots before covering the root ball.
If the plant is being taken from clay soil and located in clay soil, plant it at the same level at which it was growing previously.
If it is coming from loose soil and going into a heavier soil, plant it slightly higher so water is more likely to drain away.
If you are planting in the spring it may be beneficial to fertilize a freshly-transplanted shrub to encourage new growth.
Do not fertilize if planting in the fall.
The plants will be getting ready to go dormant for winter so you shouldn’t try to encourage new growth.
Mature cedars are heavy feeders and need fertilizer every spring or fall.
Water, water, water
The most critical activity in a successful transplant is water. You want to water, not soak your plants.
The symptoms of over watering are the same as under watering. Saturated soil deprives roots of oxygen.
Plants will develop patches of brown and will appear stressed.
Water thoroughly when planting and then apply up to 8 centimeters (3 inches) of mulch to help retain the moisture.
Thereafter, water as needed depending on soil and environmental conditions.
*At no time should the soil or the root ball be kept soggy.