Plant Library

Heavenly Bamboo - Sienna Sunrise Heavenly Bamboo - Plant Library - Port Kells Nurseries Port Kells Nurseries

Nandina domestica 'Sienna Sunrise'

Common Name: Heavenly Bamboo - Sienna Sunrise Heavenly Bamboo
Nandina domestica 'Sienna Sunrise'

Medium growing upright colorful evergreen shrub. The newly emerging leaves of are burgundy-red and cools to lush medium green in summer. Red highlights reappear in fall and winter. Clusters of small white summer flowers give way to bright orange-red winter fruit. Not a bamboo at all but a non-invasive relative of Mahonia, the Oregon grape. Great fall and winter color.

Plant Care: Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer before new growth begins in spring. For a tidy, neat appearance, shear annually to shape.

Characteristics & Attributes

Plant TypeBloom ColorBloom Time
Shrubs - Broad Leaved EvergreenWhite, Cream May- June



60cm-1.2m (2-4ft)1-1.5m (3-5ft)zone 6-9


Soil Moisture

Foilage Color
Sun to partial shadeLittle to regularGreen, Burgundy

Soil Type

wide range of soil conditionsYoung foliage is showy. Good autumn color. Abundant red fruit. Can be invasive
*Deer Resistant
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